Friday 16 September 2016

Export/Audit All Exchange ActiveSync Devices using Powershell

Below are a couple of commands we can use in Windows Powershell to run a report on all mobile devices that have been synced with mailboxes within your exchange environment.

First step is to gather a list of users that have an ActiveSync Device partnership

$userlist = gt-casmailbox -filter {hasactivesyncdevicepartnership -eq $true -and -not displayname -like "CAS_{*"} | Get-Mailbox

This list of users is then used against the Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics cmdlet to retrieve the associated ActiveSync devices with each users mailbox. We then select certain fields to reduce the amount of data and present it in the $report variable.

$report = $UserList | foreach { Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox $_} | select Identity, LastSuccessSync, DeviceType, Status

You can also add the export-csv component onto the end of the command to export the $report contents to a .csv file

$report = $UserList | foreach { Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox $_} | select Identity, LastSuccessSync, DeviceType, Status | export-csv -path "C:\ActiveSyncDevices.csv" -notype

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